Happy New Year: Notebooks & Journals To Plan, Write & Sketch The Life You Enjoy!
Happy New Year, Everyone! I hope you had an exciting holiday season with friends & family! I sure did & I'm highly grateful! Cheers to 2022! Ready for an exciting new year?! Why not start by planning a life you enjoy, as well as continue enjoying & being grateful for your life in the present! Write down and/or even draw/sketch the life you have in mind. Putting your thoughts and plans onto paper is the first step to making it happen! You will have your goals, thoughts & ideas right & write in front of you! Haha! Write down whatever you have in mind, allow your mind to flow & let's do this! While you're at it, check out our colorful Black Stationery hardcover journals and spiral notebooks. They're a colorful and fun way to start off the New Year in style!

You Glow Girl! Confidence & style sure looks good on you! Haha! Write down whatever you have in mind to make this year an exciting one & don't hold back! Let your thoughts flow in our African-American Queen Turban Hardcover Journal!

It's the New Year & she's all about her goals, making her own decisions, enjoying life to the fullest & of course, wearing her invisible crown & sometimes, her actual crown! Haha! Write down what you want to do & accomplish to make 2022 an exciting year in our Intuition African-American Princess Hardcover Journal!

You're stylish from head to toe! Why not have a stylish journal to match?! After all, you also have to prioritize to accessorize! Haha! Make a list of all of the places you want to travel to this year in our African Print Hardcover Journal! Travel in your neighborhood, outside of your neighborhood to a different part of town, try that new restaurant you've always wanted to try, go to an event that's been on your wishlist and to make life even more adventurous, pack your bags & go international! Travel outside of your comfort zone, go somewhere new, see new sights, try new food, explore the world! After all, you're worldwide! Haha!

Take time to relax, have a bit of quiet time, focus and write down all that you truly want in life! Why not keep a daily gratitude list or even turn your journal into a vision board with our Calm African-American Woman Meditating Hardcover Journal! Writing down your dreams is the first step! Go ahead, you can do it!!

Follow your dreams! Why? Because you deserve it! You glow girl! Start a journal, write down your to-do list, thoughts, dreams, goals...whatever your heart truly desires in our Afro Woman Pop Art Follow Your Dreams Spiral Notebook!

She's a fashionista & it's clear, inner & outer beauty! She's beautiful on the inside & out! Why not style & plan, or even draw the life you love in our African-American Fashionista Spiral Notebook!

Sketch, write, dream, plan & do, as long as it keeps you smiling & you're enjoying living the life you love! After all, it's your life! Do what truly makes YOU happy, other people's opinions are not included! Haha! Just BE YOU...and write it down in our Afro Pop Art Dream Big Spiral Notebook!
Happy 2022! Thanks again for you continued support! We are wildly grateful at Black Stationery! Thanks for supporting us throughout the entire year, throughout the holidays & into 2022 already! We also see that some of you are getting a head start & planning for Valentine's Day! THANK YOU & until next time, we appreciate you! Have an exciting start to 2022!!
PS Flying home for the holidays was incredibly exciting! If you know me, you know that I absolutely love to travel, so it was great being on a plane again! Yay! Even better, being on a plane to go spend time with family for the holidays was definitely exciting! We had so much fun! Not only was there tons of great homemade food (including my Mom's infamous 3-layered chocolate cake, yum), I also cooked a few dishes that turned out to be a huge hit with my family, which was quite exciting!
We watched so many fun holiday movies via BET, Hallmark, Lifetime, as well as on UpTV! There was also a lot of fun energy and lots of laughs while playing the White Elephant Game! To make the holidays even more exciting, there was SNOW, it was like living in a Winter Wonderland, so pretty! Running around & playing out in the snow with my niece & nephew was so much fun! The photos & videos are hilarious! What a great way to complete 2021, yet fly back home to California just in time to celebrate the NYE w/friends, including doing the countdown on the beach (wore my sparkly, sequin, floor-length, silver mermaid gown & NYE tiara to match! Haha!) while watching colorful fireworks light up the sky, so much fun!
Live the life "YOU" enjoy & cheers to an exciting NEW YEAR!!!